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by Frankie CopleyYogi
Boditronics Express Whey: Mint chocolate delight for your muscles
Per serving (based on there being approximately 12 servings when broken);
  • 106kcal 
  • 1.2g Carbs (of which sugar - 0.53g)
  • 5.4g Protein
  • 8.6g Fat (of which saturates - 6g)
  • 0.99g fibre
If you fancy a sweet treat with a healthy twist, this mint chocolate bark will leave your sweet tooth satisfied and help give you a wonderful healthy protein kick.
We have used pecan nuts and crushed meringue in this recipe but you can use whatever you have in your cupboards or that looks pretty!
It is also perfect to give as a gift.


  • 200g dark cooking chocolate
  • 100g milk chocolate 
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 1/2 scoops Boditronics Express Whey - chocolate mint (or any other flavour you want to use)
  • 2 tsp coconut oil;
  • 20g crushed pecan nuts
  • Crushed meringue


  1. Cover a baking tray with parchment paper and set aside (make sure that the baking tray will fit in your freezer).
  2. In a saucepan, on a low heat, heat approximately 2 inches of water (or enough so that a heat proof bowl can sit in it comfortably)
  3. Once the water has come to the boil, place the heat proof bowl over the water and add in the dark and milk chocolate and coconut oil, keep stirring until it is all mixed together.
  4. Turn the heat down and slowly add in the  1 1/2 scoops Boditronics Express Whey - chocolate mint.
  5. When it is all mixed together and smooth, pour the mixture into your prepared baking tray and smooth out evenly.
  6. Sprinkle the pecans and meringue pieces over the top.
  7. Put into the freezer and leave to set for an hour.   
  8. When completely set, break into pieces and enjoy!

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